my hubby is home
well he got home last tuesday but i am finally posting this. been so busy ya know but his plane got here at 11:10 am.
thats his plane comming in. i had to squeeze between all of the people to get this picture by the way. but then they all filed off the plane and into formation.
then after they all got off the plane they marched into the building
that is one of the best things ever to see. i love seeing any military marching. its the foundation of our country if you ask me. but then they were all formed up inside this little room
then we had to listen to the national anthem and the army song and stuff and a guy talk which was the shortest speech ever thank goodness. cause i couldnt tell you what he said. thats him in the middle of the picture by the way. but then they were released and we fought threw the crowd and found eachother and thats all the good stuff
then he went to the company and turned in his weapons and stuff and we came home. the end LOL. well just wanted to share. see ya