this weeks movie review

tonight i watch Georgia Rule. now i read the critiques thoughts and they weren't to impressed with it. however i really liked the movie. i thought it was gonna be about a power struggle between a grand ma and grand daughter who are exactly alike and a mom to passive to say anything. however it is about molestation and telling the truth. its like a boy who cried wolf story....kinda. but in the end i really wanted to cry. i didn't!!!! but i wanted to. i enjoyed it alot. but don't know if i will buy it or not. i give it 4 outta 5 stars. oh yeah and this is the movie that Lindsy was "to exhausted" to go to work on. and she got that letter from the producer saying shes needs to stop partying cause shes waisting their time and money. that was the start of her big problems. oh well off to bed for me. 2 weeks and 5 days till my man is home for good!!! I'm so excited
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