see what the life of a 25 year old SAHM who loves to crochet is like.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
white sachet
i forgot i did this yesterday too. well i didnt make it yesterday but i put it sogether yesterday. its for an exchange too. aint it cute as can be. wanna know my secret.....its 2 coasters. yep i put them together and made it a sachet. i just love this one. and it smells really good too!!!!!!!
i made this yesterday. its for an exchange however i am thinking of keeping it and making another for the exchange. cause if i do decide to go with the moon and sun theme for my bedroom this will go perfect. but i am not sure if i want that theme so we will see if i make another or not. there is no box in this so its kinda flimsy lookin. sorry. i will get a box for it before i mail it though. dang it now i am out of exchanges to crochet again. and no money for more yarn to start on gifts. gotta find something to do today. i am soooooo board.
i finished this bookmark this morning for an exchange i am in. i hope the person likes it. this pattern was an annies attic pattern of the day on march 22nd. have a good day. i am off to find something else to crochet
i finished these last night. sorry the picture isnt so great. my husband sent the camera to iraq already. and the iron so i couldnt even iron them flat. but hopefully you can see them good enough. actually lemme take a close up picture of one so you can see it better . ok there its at the top. so i like the way these look although i didnt really follow the directions. the were confusing to me. so i just kinda played with it. i am working on a book mark now. i wanted to start on christmas presents but dont have the yarn i need. these coasters are fron the book called coasters by the dozen by leasure arts. see yaaaaaaa